In the Overview tab you can see the number of respondents based on their status. All these statistics are calculated only from live mode answers (i.e. excluding test mode answers).
- Responses - Number of respondents that entered the survey. This amount should match the amount of respondents in the Responses tab (Active plus Deleted).
- Completes - Number of respondents that completed the survey, will be delivered as completed for reporting purposes and will receive rewards.
- Screenouts total - Number of respondents that trigger a screen out status:
- Simple - Number of respondents that did not match the profiling requirements.
- Quality - Number of respondents that did not pass through quality or control questions.
- Quota fulls - Number of respondents that have the status "quota full".
- Rejected - Number of respondents that do not have a last page value.
- Dropouts - Number of respondents that stopped answering and did not finish the survey. Formula: "responses" - "completes" - "screenouts" - "quality screenouts" - "rejected".
- Incidence rate - Percentage of respondents that are in the target group. Formula: amount of completes / (amount of completes + amount of screenouts).
- Conversion rate - Percentage of respondents that completed the survey. Formula: amount of completes / (amount of responses - amount of rejected).
- Dropout rate - Percentage of respondents that did not finish the survey. Formula: amount of dropouts / (amount of responses - amount of rejected).
- Median LOI - Median length of completed interview.