In this section you can see the currently active or in construction surveys.In this section you can see the currently active or in construction surveys.
You can search for your surveys either by name or ID, in order to accessthe survey click in ID.
This section contains the following elements:
Description |
ID | Every survey gets assigned a different ID, click on the ID to access your survey, also you can use that ID to search for your survey. Every survey gets assigned a different ID, click on the ID to access your survey, also you can use that ID to search for your survey |
Status | Surveys here can be either active or inactive, active surveys have a ready-to-use survey link, that means they were published. If a survey is inactive, the survey has not been published and no links are available Suveys here can be either active or inactive, active surveys have a ready to use survey link, that means they were published. If a survey is inactive, the survey has not been published and no links are available |
Name |
The name assigned while creating the survey.
Created |
Creation date.
Company |
The company that was selected once creating the survey.
Primary language
The main language of the project.
Responses |
The total amount of respondents that have entered the survey.
Completes |
The total amount of panelists that have completd the survey.
Action | Here you can access a menu that let you clone, archive or delete a survey. Here you can access a menu that let you clone, archive or delete a survey. |